Mar 18, 2010

I am a Fan of Liz Clark

Here is this person in the world that truly embodies the ideals of living a simple-life, free-spirit and adventure. Liz Clark. Read her biography here. She is currently in a boatyard in Tahiti, fixing her boat, Swell.
This is a movie trailer of Dear & Yonder where Liz appeared together with other female surfers. And here's a funny video, it looks like Liz made this on her own. She is seen surfing and working around and living in Swell. And another video by Liz's sponsor, patagonia.

"Every day, I consciously try to minimize my impact on the earth. I do my best to eat and live sustainably by utilizing the resources that are closest to me. I use mostly solar (and soon wind) energy to supply my electricity. I pull up my sails and use the wind to push me around the world rather than jet fuel.

Seeing places that are still largely unaffected by human impact has made me realize just how much of the earth we have altered. It is my hope that through my travels and writing, I can help people understand why we must fight to preserve what's left of our environment and invest our collective human genius to work towards implementing sustainable solutions for humanity to live in harmony with the earth."

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